May 23, 2013 11.33 am This story is over 133 months old

Police raid Lincoln village home connected to Woolwich murder

House raid: Police investigating a terror-linked murder of a soldier in Woolwich, London, have raided a house in Saxilby, near Lincoln.

Police investigating a terror-linked murder of a soldier in Woolwich, London, have raided a house in Saxilby, near Lincoln.

The house in Hotchkin Avenue in Saxilby is thought to belong to the father of one of the suspected killers, Michael Adebolajo.

The two Woolwich suspects are of Nigerian background and they are currently being treated in separate hospitals while under arrest. Police shot both men on Wednesday.

Michael Adebolajo was reportedly listed as a resident of the house in Saxilby in 2004, soon after his father Anthony Adebolajo, 56, moved in.

According to BBC reports, Michael Adebolajo is 28-years-old and comes from a devout Christian family but took up Islam after leaving college in 2001.

A total of six residential addresses have been searched by police in connection with this case: three in south London, one in east London, one in north London and Saxilby.

A man and woman, both aged 29, have also been arrested on Thursday, Scotland Yard said.

The soldier killed in the attack has been named as Drummer Lee Rigby, 25, from Manchester, of the 2nd Battalion the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers. He leaves behind a two-year-old son.

The Saxilby Parish Council said in a statement: “We are absolutely shocked that our friendly village has been caught up in this horrible incident.

“We have read that he resided in our village some nine years ago but nobody I have spoken with recalls him actually living here or being seen here in Saxilby.

“Our thoughts must go out to the family and friends of the serviceman brutally murdered in this incident.”

The MoD said in a statement: “An extremely popular and witty soldier, Drummer Rigby was a larger than life personality within the Corps of Drums and was well-known, liked and respected across the Second Fusiliers. He was a passionate and life-long Manchester United fan.”

Lincolnshire Police is supporting the investigation carried out by Metropolitan Police.

The force said in a statement: “Although we are unable to comment on any aspect of ongoing investigations, we realise the events of the last couple of days will have had a significant impact on people living in Lincolnshire.

“We would urge people to be calm and measured in their response to recent events.

“We would like to thank the public, in particular the residents of Saxilby for their patience, co-operation and support throughout the day.

“Anyone living in the area that has any concerns should approach one of the many officers patrolling the streets over the next couple of days.

“Very careful consideration has been given to policing and resources in response to this incident and there are a significant amount of officers patrolling our community,” the statement added.

Lincolnshire Police have also warned people over potentially inciting racial hatred on social media.

The force added: “We have received a number of reports from local members of the public about tweets and Facebook comments that could potentially incite racial hatred and violence.

“These are currently being investigated. If such communications are reported to us and they do breach the law, those messages may be monitored; captured and robust police action will be considered.”