June 14, 2013 11.37 am This story is over 132 months old

Lincoln MP: Labour would take £234 from 18,130 pensioners in the city

Tight pensions: Research by Lincoln MP Karl McCartney indicates that Labour’s plan to cut pensions would affect some 18,130 pensioners in the city, but Lucy Rigby disagrees.

Research by Lincoln MP Karl McCartney indicates that Labour’s plan to cut pensions would affect some 18,130 pensioners in the city.

The city MP says many pensioners depend on their Basic State Pension to pay their bills and to put food on the table.

He said Labour have chosen to cap pensions rather than benefits, meaning the Basic State Pension would be £234 less a year by 2017/18.

Karl McCartney said: “Now we know that when Labour say they would cut welfare, what they really mean is they would choose to cut the Basic State Pension over capping benefits.

“This would take £234 a year away from 18,130 pensioners in Lincoln – people who have worked hard all their lives.

“This is about a simple choice: the Conservatives want to reward pensioners. Labour want to punish them,” he added.

Lincoln Labour’s MP candidate for 2015 Lucy Rigby said: “Contrary to what Mr McCartney says, Labour have committed to capping the cost of welfare.

“Ed Miliband made a speech on this topic two weeks ago and it was widely reported. Labour also said we would keep a ‘triple-lock’ on pensions, meaning that the state pension will rise by whichever is highest out of inflation: average earnings or 2.5%.

“I assume Mr McCartney is referring to Labour’s plan to save money by stopping richer pensioners receiving the Winter Fuel Allowance.

“In my view, this is sensible given the dire state of the public finances. It is certainly more fair to stop benefits going to those who can afford it, than to impose a cruel bedroom tax at the same as giving millionaires a tax break,” she added.