August 6, 2013 2.37 pm This story is over 130 months old

New Lincoln charity helps homeless veteran find new home

New home: An armed forces veteran who faced homelessness managed to find a home with the help of a new Lincoln charity.

A new charity in Lincoln has helped a homeless veteran member of the armed forces find a new place to live.

The HILT Foundation, based at “The Hub” in Beech House on Waterside South in Lincoln, is a charity dedicated to helping forces veterans through homelessness, mental stress and family-related issues.

In the past two weeks, it has helped five veterans get the support they need, including Cpl Garry Langridge.

Gary Langridge (28), a tank specialist who served with the Royal Green Jackets and also worked in Northern Ireland, was homeless when he visited HILT’s offices on August 2.

However, the team managed to secure him a place to live in the city within 72 hours.

After moving in, the foundation also helped furnish the home by placing a request for household goods.

Since then, a number of local residents have come forward to help with the request.

Gary said: “When I left the army I had some personal issues, and even though I found bits of work on building sites, there was little or no support for people like me, and I quickly found myself living on the street.

“I contacted the HILT Foundation as they were in Lincoln where my family come from.

“I cannot thank them enough for what they have done for me; my life has completely changed since last Friday, and I can’t quite believe it has all happened so quickly.

“Without them, I would still be sleeping rough on the streets, now I have a place of my own and my rent has been paid – it is amazing.”

Dave Cash, Centre Manager for The Hub at The HILT Foundation said: “Garry was referred by our sister organisation The Re-Org Trust, so the onus was on us to pull all the stops out to get him sorted before he spent another night on the street.

“With the help of the City of Lincoln Council who were reacting to their obligation having signed the Community Covenant, we managed within 72 hours to secure Garry safe and secure accommodation in Lincoln.

“I would like to thank the City Council for their prompt action, Soldiers off the Streets and The Re-Org Trust for their help and advice with Garry’s case.”

Anybody wishing to help The HILT Foundation with donations should contact The Hub Centre Manager, Dave Cash, by email at [email protected].