May 29, 2014 9.54 am This story is over 121 months old

Know your rights at work

Employment rights: With many still struggling financially, Amanda McSorley from Lincoln Citizens Advice reminds people of their work rights.

There has been a lot of talk about the ‘trickle down’ effect in the news recently and how the average person is not benefitting from the economic recovery.

Many people coming into Lincoln and District Citizens Advice Bureau struggle to make ends meet, and advisers help them prioritise their debts, contact creditors and sort out a financial plan to take them forward.

However, many still fear an uncertain future because they are insecure in their work and do now know their working rights. CAB knows this from client evidence, but also because the Basic Rights at Work section is the most visited page on our website.

So if you are being bullied by your boss, have been disciplined or dismissed, sick and sacked, or pregnant and not promoted, it is definitely worth a visit because you are protected by law.

Your rights include:

  • a written statement of terms and an itemised pay slip
  • being paid at least the national minimum wage
  • not to have illegal deductions made from pay
  • paid holiday
  • paid time off to look for work if being made redundant
  • paid time off for antenatal care
  • paid maternity and paternity leave
  • asking for flexible working to care for children or adult dependants
  • weekly and daily rests under health and safety law
  • not to be discriminated against
  • to claim compensation if unfairly dismissed
  • to claim redundancy pay if made redundant
  • the same contractual rights (pro-rata) for part-time employees as a comparable full-time worker
  • to the same contractual rights for fixed term workers as a comparable permanent employee

It is important you are aware of your rights, and if you think you have been treated unfairly, you have to pay upfront fees before you can take your grievances to an employment tribunal – these can total either £390 or £1,200.

The work section of Adviceguide contains a mass of useful information on your rights and also has links to fact sheets you can print off and show your boss.

Amanda McSorley joined the Research and Campaigns Team at Lincoln and District Citizens Advice Bureau in February 2013. She is a former journalist and newspaper editor, with 30 years’ experience of covering the issues that impact people’s lives.