May 23, 2014 2.06 pm This story is over 123 months old

Lincoln High Street charity shop burgled

Jewellery, clothes and ornament stolen: The British Heart Foundation charity shop on Lincoln High Street has been burgled.

The British Heart Foundation charity shop on Lincoln High Street has been burgled.

The incident happened some time overnight between Tuesday, May 20, and Wednesday, May 21.

Police believe offenders entered the shop through a rear door and carried out an untidy search of the premises once inside.

They say “a fairly substantial amount of jewellery” was taken from the shop and a selection of T-shirts for men were also stolen from the clothing racks.

Officers found that offenders also forced entry to the office in the shop.

An ornamental Alexandra Calfiano jewelled globe was stolen from the office area. It is described as approximately 18in/2ft tall on a brass stand.

Police are appealing for anyone who may have witnessed any suspicious activity around the shop overnight on May 20, or who may have any information relating to the stolen items, to contact them on 101 quoting incident 44 of 21/05/2014.

Alternatively contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.