May 22, 2014 9.49 am This story is over 121 months old

Lincoln residents UK’s most house proud, survey finds

House proud Lincoln: Residents in Lincoln are more proud of their homes than in any other town or city in the UK, according to a survey by property giants Rightmove.

Residents in Lincoln are more proud of their homes than in any other town or city in the UK, according to a survey by property giants Rightmove.

The Happy At Home Index provides a national insight into the emotive relationship people have with their homes.

Rightmove surveyed almost 40,000 people across 110 locations, and asked them to rank 12 factors about where they live.

Topics covered feelings toward their property, home and the community.

The results for each heading where compiled into an overall ranking to find the UK’s ‘happiest town’.

Lincoln residents ranked their emotions in relation to their homes.

Lincoln residents ranked their emotions in relation to their homes.

For overall happiness, Lincoln ranked 45th. The happiest place to call home was the Yorkshire town of Harrogate, with Stockport and Ipswich taking 2nd and 3rd places.

According to the results, Lincoln people also rate their home decorations highly, with the city placing top in the region for Decor and 5th nationally.

The survey also found that Northerners are generally happier with their homes than Southerners.

“Rightmove’s Happy At Home Index looks to capture how the British public truly feels about ‘home’ and gives us a view of the happiest places in the UK as rated by those who know best – the people who live there.”