June 4, 2014 9.48 am This story is over 120 months old

Lincoln BIG up for national award

Helping Lincoln grow: The organisation which promotes and supports growth in Lincoln city centre has been shortlisted for a national award.

The organisation which promotes and supports growth in Lincoln city centre has been shortlisted for a prestigious national award.

Lincoln BIG is just one of five to be shortlisted for the award of the best business improvement district (BID) in the country.

The award recognises organisations which have delivered innovative projects and real economic benefits to their town or city.

There are 175 BIDs in the UK and all are eligible for entry into the awards run by the national Association of Town and City Management (ATCM).

Lincoln will be up against entries from Falkirk, High Wycombe, Hammersmith and Norwich and the winner will be announced at a special awards dinner at the ATCM annual Summer School in Dundee on June 26.

Lincoln BIG’s entry highlighted the success of the group in generating external funding to deliver city centre projects, with funding increasing from £225,000 at the start of the first Lincoln BID in 2004, to £1.2m in 2014.

Lincoln BIG has generated income from a multitude of sources including European Funds, The Lottery, Arts Council England, sponsorship, commercial services, membership services and retail sales through the Visitor Information Centre.

Lincoln BIG Chief Executive, Matt Corrigan, said: “We are thrilled to even be considered in the top five BID organisations across the UK.

“It is fantastic for the staff and the board to get recognition for the hard work and success that we have delivered to the city.

“But more importantly it is another significant step in raising the profile of our fantastic city and that can only have a positive influence on the development of our economy.”

Martin Blackwell, CEO of ATCM said: “Partnerships come in many shapes and sizes, but the underlying truth is that communities are stronger when people with ambition, talent and a love for their local area come together to make a difference.”