June 10, 2014 3.59 pm This story is over 120 months old

North Kesteven council apologises over lack of grass cutting

Overgrown grass: The district council had to apologise for the state of green spaces south of Lincoln after a new contractor took over.

North Kesteven District Council has apologised to residents living south of Lincoln over the lack of grass cutting in certain areas.

The council issued the apology after a number of complaints from residents and businesses over the length of grass.

The council explained that it has a new contractor, Glendale, mowing in public spaces.

The contract includes maintaining grass, shrubs, beds and hedges around sheltered accommodation, in communal open spaces, along county highway verges and in local churchyards, plus spray weeds in communal housing areas.

The firm took on the role on March 1 but appears to be unable to meet the council’s quality requirements.

The council is now placing more pressure on Glendale to improve its performance.

Meanwhile, Glendale is trying to resolve issues surround staff, resources and equipment to improve its output.

Cllr Richard Wright, NKDC’s portfolio holder for streetscene, said: “We accept that the state of the grass is a mess and of a standard our residents should not have to tolerate.

“It has been left to grow too long between cuts and areas are looking unsightly.

“But I want to assure them that we are on the back of the contractors and will not tolerate the continuation of such a bad service.

“The company is well aware of the council’s and its residents’ dissatisfaction with their current service and it has apologised for this, pledging a plan of action and considerable uplift in resourcing to deliver the standards expected of it.

“Residents can be assured that we maintain vigilance in inspecting and monitoring progress and any continued dissatisfaction will be reflected in penalties.”

Glendale’s managing director Andy Corcoran also apologised, saying: “I would like to apologise that this situation has arisen and give an assurance that the company is committed to overcoming these difficulties and delivering the contract service to North Kesteven District Council.”