August 21, 2014 5.02 pm This story is over 118 months old

Lincoln students and staff celebrate GCSE success

GCSE wait is over: GCSE students from Lincoln and the surrounding areas found out their GCSE grades today and school are congratulating pupils on their hard work.

Students from Lincoln and the surrounding areas found out their GCSE grades, and schools are congratulating pupils on their hard work.

Across Lincolnshire, with five schools still to declare their results at the time of writing, 60% of GCSE students had achieved 5A*-C grades, including English and Maths.

A total of 14 schools achieved in excess of 90%, and 49.5% of grammar schools achieved 5 or more A* or A grades – an increase of 0.3% on last year.

The percentage of students achieving the government-backed English Baccalaureate across the county is currently showing as 31% for 2014 compared to 27.2% last year; an increase of 3.8%.

Lincolnshire County Council say that it is difficult to compare the result with last year’s, as important changes to the exam system have since been introduced.

Councillor Mrs Patricia Bradwell, Executive Councillor for Children’s Services, said: “It’s been harder this year for students to do well than for a long time.

“Nevertheless, initial indications are that almost the same proportion of students as last year have achieved the 5A*-C standard including English and maths.

“The government has made lot of changes in a very short period of time. This level of success is an indication of the commitment of young people, teachers, parents and carers across the county.”

Debbie Barnes, Director of Children’s Services, said: “We have yet to see how the final figures will pan out. We can’t be sure that all the numbers we have received from schools take account of the new rules about counting only first-sitting grades.”

Here’s how GCSE students in Lincoln did:

North Kesteven School

Head Teacher Martin Connor and student Leona Wilson who achieved an outstanding 11 A* grades.

Head Teacher Martin Connor and student Leona Wilson who achieved an outstanding 11 A* grades.

Students and staff at North Kesteven School are celebrating an excellent set of GCSE results with last year’s record breaking 67% 5A*-C being equalled this year.

Maths and English results were both at 78% A*-C and 72% A*-C respectively.

Geography took pride of place with 40% of 75 students gaining A/A* grades.

History and Religion, Ethics & Philosophy, and Art, Drama and Dance also produced spectacular success with 30% at A/A*.

The PE department at NK outperformed most in the country with 93% A*-C for GCSE PE and 70% at Distinction for BTEC Sport.

Individual pride of place goes to Leona Wilson, who achieved 11 straight A* grades, and Andrew Silk, Amy Bermingham and Jack Lowbridge who all achieved 10+ A*/A grades.

Head Teacher Martin Connor said: “Given the significant changes to the GCSE system it is very pleasing that we have matched last year’s exceptional performance and further established North Kesteven School’s academic credentials.

“We wish every single student lots of success for the future be it in our sixth form, college or in training”

Lincoln Minster School

Minster School GCSE students managed to achieve 91% A*-C grades and 37% A*-A.

School Principal Clive Rickart said: “Our results are good news for a comprehensive year group with a wide range of ability, supported by a great staff team and a hugely supportive environment in which to work.”

Tim Bayliss, Head of Year 11, added: “There have been curriculum changes with English nationally but we’ve kept very much on top of what is going on, with fabulous staff making sure everything is going well.

“I would argue that the transition has been seamless and staff have been very much on top of their brief. It is the nature of the school to go the extra mile – effective communication with home, communication with each other, it’s certainly come out in the results.”

Sir Robert Pattinson Academy

Some 216 students at Lincoln’s Sir Robert Pattinson Academy are celebrating an increase in the number of pupils who passed both English and maths GCSE at grade C or above.

A total of 69% of students secured C grades or higher in both Maths and English – up on last year’s figure of 63%.

The academy recorded further success with 100% pass rates in drama, ICT, Spanish, business, travel and tourism, construction, and art and design in GCSE and equivalent BTEC exams.

There were also some excellent individual stories, with eight students achieving eight or more A* or A grades in their GCSE exams.

Charlotte Moss achieved eight A and a A* is going on onto to study maths, further maths, physics and chemistry.

Katie Alexander received six A grades and two A*s and will be going into the school’s sixth form next year to study languages and psychology.

Gemma Ruff will also join the school’s sixth form after five As, an A* and two Bs while Georgia Robertson, with five A*s and three As, plans to study psychology, maths, chemistry and biology.

Triplets James, Ryan and Lauren Kelly also celebrated their results at the school today. Between them the family chalked up four A grades, ten Bs and nine Cs.

Sir Robert Pattinson Academy Head Teacher Helen Renard said: “I am particularly pleased with our figures in maths and English.

“I think this has been a challenging year and to get this result in English and to perform consistently in maths is incredible.

“I’d like to congratulate the students for achieving these fantastic results and to thank the staff and parents for supporting them.”

William Farr

Pupils at William Farr School are celebrating a “fantastic” set of GCSE results.

More than 85% of the 240 pupils who sat exams at the school secured five A*-C grades.

The school had the second highest level of grade A* and A marks in a decade – with nearly a third of exams being given the top marks.

Almost seven out of every ten pupils achieved five A*-C grades, including Maths and English, while 80% of students achieved at least two A*-C grades in sciences.

The school fared particularly well in Maths with more than 90% of marks achieving a C grade or above. Six students scored 11 A* and A grades in their examinations.

Jess McGuire from Nettleham, who battled with scoliosis – a condition which causes curvature of the spine – as she studied for her exams, was delighted with her results.

She said: “I have got two As, two Bs, two Cs and two Ds, and I am absolutely over-the-moon.

“I had to undergo a major operation when I was 12 and suffered very serious complications. I was told I would have to spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair.

“But I was determined to prove them wrong and walk again and I have done that, and now to get these results today feels just fantastic.”

Natasha Anastasiou swept the board with seven A*s and three As in her GCSEs.

She said: “I am so pleased – I am looking forward to being able to ring family and friends to tell them my results.

Simon Cornwell-Smith also got seven A*s and three As in his exams.

He said: “I was really hoping for these results and have been very nervous waiting to open them. It is such a relief.

“I am mad about space and I’m hoping after A-levels that I may be able to go on and pursue a career in astro-physics.”

Head Teacher Andy Stones said: “Every single grade, whether at the top of the scale or lower, is the result of a great deal of hard work from our pupils and a lot of support from staff and parents. Each one represents a personal achievement.”