November 17, 2014 3.52 pm This story is over 122 months old

Lincolnshire Police firearms amnesty recovers 132 weapons

Weapons in a safer place: People in Lincolnshire who were legally and illegally in possession of firearms brought 132 weapons in to police stations during a two week amnesty.

People in Lincolnshire who were legally and illegally in possession of firearms brought in 132 weapons to police stations during a two-week amnesty.

The amnesty, which was held between November 3 and 14 surfaced weapons including revolvers, pistols, rifles and shotguns.

During the period of the amnesty, police reported a steady flow of weapons handed in by people, with the consequence of being prosecuted for illegal possession suspended.

Chief Inspector Phil Baker said: “We’re happy that people have made the most of the opportunity to hand in these weapons, and 132 is a significant number to have removed from circulation.

“Lincolnshire is a rural farming county so there are many reasons why people may have firearms in their possession.

“What’s encouraging is the fact the amnesty has made people think about whether they need to hold on to these weapons, and whether they have the legal right to do so.

“Having 132 less firearms within the county means that there are 132 less opportunities for them to get into the wrong hands and be used for criminal activity. Something which ultimately makes Lincolnshire a safer place.

“I’d like to thank everyone who handed in a firearm for doing so, and everyone who helped us to publicise our campaign so well”.

The force says anyone who still holds an unwanted or illegally held firearms is encouraged to hand it in, and it will be dealt with according to its circumstances.