December 4, 2014 10.15 am This story is over 114 months old

Lincolnshire schools save energy in Switch Off Challenge

Green challenge: Schools across Lincolnshire saw just how much they rely on electricity when all was turned off.

Some 60 schools across Lincolnshire saved almost a tonne of carbon dioxide when they flipped the power switch to off last month.

After being set the Lincolnshire Schools Switch Off Challenge (LSSOC) on November 21, the students managed to save enough energy to meet the energy use of an average house for 27 days.

The SCoRE Programme challenge was a fun way to involve schools in reducing their carbon footprint.

They were challenged to switch off all non-essential electrical items, and use meter readings to compare their electricity use to a ‘normal’ day.

Spalding St Paul’s Community Primary School was the clear winner, making a massive saving of 85% in electricity use. During the day they switched off lights where possible, and created and maintained a fire – even toasting marshmallows.

Headteacher Kira Nicholls said: “Switch Off Day was a challenging yet fun day, which showed us how we all take power being readily available for granted.

“The children are looking forward to their prize – a bespoke session with outdoor education and sustainability specialist Inspiring Outdoors.”

In second place was Lincoln Fosse Way Academy, which made a 70% saving in electricity use.

During the day, the children built and tested wind turbines and solar-powered cars, designed energy-saving super heroes and many other exciting activities.

Osgodby Primary School near Market Rasen achieved third place. Their ‘carbon ambassadors’ went round all day turning off all non-essential electrical items, making a 63% saving in electricity usage.

Councillor David Brailsford said: “I’m so proud of the enthusiasm shown by Lincolnshire schools as they took part in the Switch Off Challenge. They came up with some really creative ways of saving energy and introducing sustainability into the curriculum.

“They saved an impressive amount of energy on the day, and hopefully the schools will continue their energy saving habits into the future.”