February 4, 2015 12.30 pm This story is over 112 months old

Number of jobseekers in Lincoln drops by a third

Unemployment drop: The number of people claiming Jobseekers Allowance in Lincoln dropped by more than 30% in December 2014 compared to the previous year

The number of people claiming Jobseekers Allowance in Lincoln dropped by more than 30% in December 2014 compared to the previous year, latest figures from the Office of National Statistic (ONS) show.

In December 2014 there were 1,811 jobseekers aged between 16 and 64 in Lincoln compared with the 2,655 claimants in December 2013.

Lincoln’s December 2014 claimants accounted for 21.2% of the total 8,554 jobseekers in Lincolnshire. Overall, the county’s figure is down by 3,625 from one year ago, however there was a small rise of 35 from November.

The number of jobseekers in Lincoln in December 2014. DataL ONS

The number of jobseekers in Lincoln in December 2014. DataL ONS

Broken down by local authority, Lincoln had the second highest number of unemployed people in the county. The area with the most people claiming Jobseekers Allowance was East Lindsey with 2,165.

The are with the smallest number of jobseekers was North Kesteven with 666.

Data: ONS

Data: ONS

The data, published by the Lincolnshire Research Observatory, also highlights the level of youth unemployment in the area.

Jobseekers Allowance claimants aged 16 to 24 make up 28% of the total unemployed in the county – compared with the average national level of 22%.

In terms of the length of unemployment, the number of people claiming unemployment benefits for over six months decreased between November 2014 and December 2014 by 130 people.

Job club success

Just over a year on since the launch of Lincoln’s first dedicated free job club, 40 people have completed the eight-week Christians Against Poverty led course.

Lincoln CAP Club Manager Michael Darbandi said: “We have successfully run five courses, with 40 people completing the programme.

“Some 96% of the people we have seen are classed as being long-term unemployed (more than 6 months).

“23% of completers moved into full-time employment as a result of the course and a massive 60% of people on the coursed achieved one of our positive outcome goals (further training, volunteering or a work placement).

“The feedback from the course has been brilliant, as have the results. Maria joined the Job Club in 2014 and had been out of work for 14 years due to personal reasons.

“She is now Head of Housekeeping at Woodhall Spa Golf Club. We caught up with Maria a few weeks ago and are thrilled to hear she is still loving her job and very much enjoying being full-time employed again.

The Lincoln CAP Job Club Team at Newlife. (left to right) Club Manager Michael Darbandi, Centre Manager Simon Hore and advisor Beth Lloyd. Photo: Emily Norton for The Lincolnite.

The Lincoln CAP Job Club Team at Newlife. (left to right) Club Manager Michael Darbandi, Centre Manager Simon Hore and advisor Beth Lloyd. Photo: Emily Norton for The Lincolnite.

“The course is aimed at those needing some support in progressing towards their goal of finding employment. We cover a broad reach of topics including: careers guidance, confidence building, interview techniques, cv writing, the value of volunteering, employer research and general support and guidance.

“The course is completely free and includes a free lunch. Teaching material and support is provided by Christians Against Poverty, a national charity.”

Anyone interested in taking part in the next course, which launches on Thursday, February 12, can contact Michael on [email protected], or visit the CAP Job Club website.