April 16, 2015 7.01 am This story is over 110 months old

City of Lincoln Council election candidates – Birchwood ward

Local elections 2015: Four candidates are standing in the City of Lincoln Council elections in the Birchwood ward.

A total of four candidates are standing in the City of Lincoln Council elections in the Birchwood ward.

Conservative Eddie Strengiel is defending the seat, with Labour, UKIP and the Greens also fielding candidates.

Paul Gowen – Labour

Paul Gowen

Paul Gowen

Age: 47

Marital status: Married

What are the main issues affecting your ward, and how would you address them if elected as a city councillor?

The main issues that affect Birchwood are a slight problem of fly-tipping and some some dog owners not cleaning up after their pets.

To address these problems I will involve my fellow councillors and work closely in partnership with our community and Cory Environmental Services to try and solve these small but very important issues.

In building our community we need the involvement of our neighbours, we will take ownership of this and build a better society.

What makes you different to the other candidates in your ward?

Having lived on the Birchwood estate for over 27 years, I have a knowledge of what is needed for our part of a great city of Lincoln.

I trained as a chef and work in Military as a civilian for RAF Station around Lincoln.

I also have a disabled wife, so are well knowledgeable about the needs of disabled people.

Tell us something interesting about you that not many people know.

As a ten-year-old school boy, I sat on the shoulders of David Prowse (actor) who starred in the Star Wars trilogy as Darth Vader and was also the Green Cross Code Man, when he visited Sir Frances Hill Middle School.

John Radford – Green

John Radford

John Radford

Age: Not provided

Marital status: Not provided

What are the main issues affecting your ward, and how would you address them if elected as a city councillor?

The rail lines on Skellingthorpe Road and Doddington Road are too heavily used, we need a by-pass freight line. Solar panels should be fitted on all council buildings and more facilities for young kids in the area such as parks and playgrounds should be provided.

What makes you different to the other candidates in your ward?

I am committed to being out and about a lot more in the ward. I will hold more surgeries as I believe in representing the views of the residents not only my own or my party’s. It is time councillors were there for their ward.

Tell us something interesting about you that not many people know.

I’m a huge history buff, particularly Tudor England and Medieval. I love castles and cathedrals, which is very lucky really.

Eddie Strengiel – Conservative

Eddie Strengiel

Eddie Strengiel

Age: Not provided

Marital status: Married

What are the main issues affecting your ward, and how would you address them if re-elected as a city councillor?

There is a lack of facilities for children and young people. If re-elected I will encourage the council to develop more play areas and a skate park.

I will tackle anti-social behaviour by ensuring the council cracks down hard on those responsible to ensure all council taxpayers have a decent quality of life.

Traffic congestion at peak times is a problem especially at the Pershore Way/Doddington Road junction and at the Skellingthorpe roundabout.

I will encourage the Highways department on the county council to push forward schemes to mitigate these problems.

What makes you different to the other candidates in your ward?

With 20 years of experience on the city council I have an in-depth knowledge of each department, plus my four years on the county council allows me to look at the bigger picture.

I’m very aware of the needs of the local community and have seen a vast improvement in the area since the early nineties. I hope to be part of further improvement in the future.

Tell us something interesting about you that not many people know.

As a Senior NCO, I once taught Combat Communications at the Royal School of Military Engineering during two out of my 24-year career in the Royal Engineers.

Tony Wells – UKIP

Tony Wells

Tony Wells

Age: 67

Marital status: Married

What are the main issues affecting your ward, and how would you address them if re-elected as a city councillor?

Not building 3000 houses on the Swanpool floodplain as this would bring traffic gridlock on Skellingthorpe Road and pollution problems.

The solution is to build a new self contained village north of the new eastern bypass.

Retaining the library and information centres in Birchwood and providing more facilities for families.

With the increasing population of Birchwood both young and old the pressure on the two clinics is begining to tell. The solution has to be expansion of the clinics and/or increased opening times.

What makes you different to the other candidates in your ward?

As a UKIP candidate I would listen to the people of Birchwood and campaign for their issues and not be dictated to by local policy. I am 67-years-old and have a good experience of life and consider myself an honorary yellow belly.

Tell us something interesting about you that not many people know.

I am an antique dealer and restorer and have a business at Hemswell. Prior to that I worked at Destec engineering in Washingborough. I also served six years in Saudi Arabia with British Aerospace after serving 12 years in the Royal Airforce.