May 20, 2015 4.11 pm This story is over 109 months old

Thieves raid two Lincolnshire charity shops in one night

Charity theft: Thieves targeted two Lincolnshire charity shops in one night, making off with hundreds of pounds raised for end of life care.

Staff at end of life care charity St Barnabas Lincolnshire Hospice are appealing for help after thieves stole hundreds of pounds and caused costly damage at two village shops.

The offenders forced entry through a rear toilet window at the charity’s Ruskington store south of Lincoln overnight on Monday, May 18.

They then went on to prise a safe from the wall and make off with £200 in cash.

The intruders stole the keys for the neighbouring book shop and raided that, ripping the safe from the wall in a similar manner.

It’s not the first time a St Barnabas store has been targeted by thieves. In Lincoln last year, offenders broke into the shop on the High Street via the roof, taking the till float and causing hundreds of pound of damage.

Caroline Peach, Retail Manager for St Barnabas Lincolnshire Hospice, said:

“It is so upsetting that people would choose to target our shops and steal money that directly helps to care for people who are living with life-limiting illnesses.

“Not only did they steal the float money but they also stole a sum of money that had been collected for a volunteers’ leaving present. It is also going to cost us in excess of £200 to replace the window, safes and locks.

“We have also lost a day’s taking from both shops as we had to remain closed whilst the scene of crime officers investigated and took prints. All of this is a huge and unnecessary expenditure to the hospice.

“Senseless crime such as this is so disheartening to our dedicated workforce who work tirelessly to help raise the £4 million our hospice needs to continue its services.

“We just hope that with the help of our local community we can find who is responsible for these crimes and ensure they are brought to justice.”

St Barnabas Lincolnshire Hospice are appealing for anyone with information to come forward and contact Lincolnshire Police on 101, quoting incident number 51.