July 8, 2015 10.49 am This story is over 107 months old

Lincolnshire teen Daisy Dale found safe and well

Daisy found: A 15-year old from the Thornton le Fen area near Boston, who had been missing for over a week, has been found safe and well.

More than a week after her disappearance was reported to police, 15-year-old Daisy Dale from Thornton le Fen near Boston has been found safe and well.

Daisy’s foster mother reported that she was missing to Lincolnshire Police on Tuesday, June 30 and police issued an appeal for help tracing her.

As concern mounted for Daisy’s safety, the search widened to a wider county-wide area.

She had been missing before but was said to have usually returned after a few days.

Police confirmed on Wednesday, July 8 that Daisy has been located and that she is safe and well.