July 29, 2016 1.53 pm This story is over 95 months old

Shop worker films randy Sleaford couple having sex on car bonnet

A raunchy middle-aged couple from Sleaford who had sex on a car bonnet were secretly filmed by a passer-by. Shop worker Sophie Browne, 18, filmed the fornicating couple as she walked home from a nightshift at Aldi. The couple, believed to be in their 40s and described by Sophie as “a big bald guy and…

A raunchy middle-aged couple from Sleaford who had sex on a car bonnet were secretly filmed by a passer-by.

Shop worker Sophie Browne, 18, filmed the fornicating couple as she walked home from a nightshift at Aldi.

The couple, believed to be in their 40s and described by Sophie as “a big bald guy and woman”, were filmed running out of their house butt naked and having sex on Eastgate at around 12am on Monday.

Sophie took to Facebook to share her footage which was shared by thousands of users before it was taken down.

She wrote: “Last night, walking home from work about midnight. And I have to walk past and witness this.

“I hope the people fornicating on the bonnet of the car are being safe and are also the owners of said car.

Seeing as they are in public and didn’t mind anyone watching, I got a short snap.

“It was pretty shocking. I was walking home and saw these two people running out of a house naked.

“They ducked down behind a car and at first I thought they were hiding or streaking for a bit of fun.

“When I walked past I saw the man, who was a big bald guy, and the woman on the front of someone’s car.

“They didn’t have a stitch of clothes on and just carried on.

“They saw me and didn’t say anything so I got a quick sneaky video.

“I was a bit shocked. There is a time and a place. It was their choice, it was a nice, warm night.”

Sophie Browne, who took the video, admitted she was "a bit shocked'

Sophie Browne, who took the video, admitted she was “a bit shocked’

Sergeant Rachel Wells, of Lincolnshire Police, said: “Having sex in a public place is an offence and is classed as outraging public decency.

“Witnessing behaviour like this would be a shock for anyone and passers-by could be deeply offended.

“We take any reports of this nature seriously, but this particular incident was not reported to us.

“If you see people engaging in sexual activity in a public place please report it to us by calling 101.”