September 19, 2016 10.55 am This story is over 93 months old

Grimsby speedster Guy Martin suffers setback in world motorbike speed record attempt

Grimsby-born daredevil Guy Martin suffered a setback as he attempted to smash a world motorbike land speed record on the famous Bonneville salt flats in Utah. Guy had a number of issues during his attempt and the first day had to be abandoned as the bike tipped over whilst being towed. Luckily, there was no excessive…

Grimsby-born daredevil Guy Martin suffered a setback as he attempted to smash a world motorbike land speed record on the famous Bonneville salt flats in Utah.

Guy had a number of issues during his attempt and the first day had to be abandoned as the bike tipped over whilst being towed.

Luckily, there was no excessive damage to the bike and only gained a scratch.

Guy reportedly reached speeds of 198 mph in his first run in the vehicle.

The bike Guy used in the world record attempt was a purpose-built Triumph, which is a 1,000 bhp Infor Rocket Streamliner.

Take a look at some images from his attempt here:

Last month, Guy took to the salt flats to practise for his attempt and registered the fastest ever speed for a Triumph bike.

The bike hit 274.2mph, however, the current motorbike speed record is 376.363mph.