September 2, 2016 9.41 am This story is over 93 months old

Plans for 49 homes next to River Trent in Gainsborough

Plans for 49 homes on the banks of the River Trent in Gainsborough have been revealed. Applicants Thonock and Somerby Estates have submitted proposals for the estate on undeveloped land west of Horsley Road. The application site lies south and west of residential properties, north of registered playing fields and east of the River Trent.…

Plans for 49 homes on the banks of the River Trent in Gainsborough have been revealed.

Applicants Thonock and Somerby Estates have submitted proposals for the estate on undeveloped land west of Horsley Road.

The site location plan. Photo: Promap

The site location plan. Photo: Promap

The application site lies south and west of residential properties, north of registered playing fields and east of the River Trent.

Of the new homes, 35 will consist of three bedrooms, with the remainder being two or four-bed properties.

Access to the estate would come from Horsley Road to the east, with secondary emergency access and further pedestrian routes via Floss Mill Lane to the north.

A total of 108 car parking spaces would be created as part of the proposed development.

Agreements have been made for an offsite contribution to affordable housing instead of provision on the estate, should the development be approved.

Risks of flooding have been downplayed by the developers.

Agents Savills Ltd, representing the applicants, said: “The development represents a sustainable infill development within the defined built up limits of Gainsborough providing a mix of housing and choice and a range of developer contributions including an off-site affordable housing contribution.

It is not considered that there are any insurmountable flood risk issues that should prevent the site from being developed.

“Similar to many of the housing zone sites, the site has the potential to deliver regeneration benefits and can additionally meet many of the aims and objectives of national and local policy by making an important contribution to the supply of housing within the area.”

West Lindsey District Council will consider the application at a date to be set.