April 28, 2017 10.11 am This story is over 86 months old

North Kesteven council announces further elections on June 8 after councillor resignations

North Kesteven District Council has announced three further elections and a neighbourhood planning referendum to run alongside the general election on June 8, 2017. This comes after the resignation of two councillors at a meeting on Thursday, April 27, including the council’s former leader. Elections will be held in the wards of Heighington & Washingborough…

North Kesteven District Council has announced three further elections and a neighbourhood planning referendum to run alongside the general election on June 8, 2017.

This comes after the resignation of two councillors at a meeting on Thursday, April 27, including the council’s former leader.

Elections will be held in the wards of Heighington & Washingborough and Ashby de la Launde & Cranwellto fill the vacancies left by former council Leader Councillor Marion Brighton and Councillor Sarah Pearse.

Another will be held in Bracebridge Heath to elect new parish councillors. A neighbourhood plan referendum with then take place for Nocton and Potterhanworth.

The council has said it will hold the local elections on June 8 to incur limited additional expense.

Councillor Pearse was elected in 2015, becoming one of the youngest and newest members, while Councillor Brighton successfully defended 12 elections during 44 years of continuous service.

Candidates considering nomination for the district council elections should refer to the Electoral Commission guidance online. 

And for parish council elections, more information can be found here. 

Nominations for all can be made between 10am and 4pm on working days, Wednesday, May 3 to Thursday, May 11; 12pm to 4pm on Friday, May 5.

Lists of candidates will be available to view online from 4pm on Friday, May 12 and subsequently within the affected communities.

Any contested elections will be held between 7am and 10pm on Thursday, June 8.

The last date for registration to vote in these elections and the general election is midnight on Monday, May 22.

Deadline for receipt of applications for postal voting is 5pm on Tuesday, May 23; and 5pm on Wednesday May 31 for proxy vote applications.

The Nocton & Potterhanworth referendum on the community’s Neighbourhood Plan gives residents the opportunity to say yes or no to it becoming part of the planning guidance against which local applications are judged.