April 28, 2017 8.39 am This story is over 86 months old

Woman fined for leaving household rubbish by side of bin

A woman has been fined £220 for leaving her household refuse at the side of a public waste bin. Stephanie Waldren was given a fixed penalty notice for the offence on September 12 last year, but she refused to pay and was instead left with the cost and a six month conditional discharge at Lincoln Magistrates’ Court…

A woman has been fined £220 for leaving her household refuse at the side of a public waste bin.

Stephanie Waldren was given a fixed penalty notice for the offence on September 12 last year, but she refused to pay and was instead left with the cost and a six month conditional discharge at Lincoln Magistrates’ Court on April 19.

She had walked a matter of yards away from her property on Bridge End Road in Grantham to place two black bags next to the bin instead of placing her rubbish in pink or clear bags at the edge of her property on refuse collection day.

Correspondence was found in the black bags containing her address when they were picked up by South Kesteven District Council’s Streetcare Services team.

Waldren appealed the penalty notice which the authorities turned down and she was given further time to pay the penalty but also refused to do so.

She pleaded guilty to one offence under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and was ordered to pay £200 in costs and a £20 victim surcharge.

SKDC’s Executive Manager for Environment Ian Yates said: “Public waste bins are not the places for household waste to be deposited.

“We appreciate Ms Walden wished to dispose of the waste but this must always be done in the appropriate manner.

“We educate residents that waste must be placed on the edge of their properties in the correct bins or bags by 7.30am on the day of collection”

All advice on where to leave bins or bags is outlined at www.southkesteven.gov.uk or residents may call 01476406080 if they are unsure over where and when the bags should be presented.