May 4, 2017 3.08 pm This story is over 85 months old

“We will always love you”: Mother’s tribute to aspiring RAF medic killed by dangerous driver on A1

The mother of a teenager who was killed in a tragic crash on the A1 near Grantham has paid tribute to her ‘kind and considerate’ son after the driver responsible was jailed. Fifty three-year-old Kenneth Wallace from Stamford was jailed on Thursday, May 4 for causing death by dangerous driving following the fatal collision on…

The mother of a teenager who was killed in a tragic crash on the A1 near Grantham has paid tribute to her ‘kind and considerate’ son after the driver responsible was jailed.

Fifty three-year-old Kenneth Wallace from Stamford was jailed on Thursday, May 4 for causing death by dangerous driving following the fatal collision on September 13, 2016. 

The court heard Wallace had overtaken a lorry and a car at around 99 mph before knocking 17-year-old Calum Warrilow (aka Dowers) from he scooter he was riding on the same section of the road.

The driver, who later admitted to using his mobile phone, fled the scene and Calum was sadly hit by an oncoming lorry. He died soon after in an ambulance.

Calum was sadly killed following the crash on the A1 near Grantham

Calum’s mother Kerry Dowers said: “I knew something wasn’t right that night. Calum was normally home with us by 11.30pm but even before this I felt something wasn’t right.

“Around 1am we had a knock at the door and my heart just sank – I’ve felt lost and empty ever since and it hasn’t got any easier for us.

“My son Calum was an exceptionally kind and considerate young man and I was incredibly proud of him.

“He was the type of person that would always look out for others and he decided that he would put this to use by pursuing a career in the RAF as a medic.

Calum was just 17 when he was struck by the car on the A1

“He was too young to enlist for this but it was his aspiration and was studying hard to make this a reality alongside working at a garden centre.

“He kept himself fit and active with kickboxing that he went to with his stepfather Dave and had a real passion for music too. Drake was his favourite artist and he’d always be listening to him in his room.

“He also brought a great sense of humour to our family and I know he loved us all as much as we loved him.

Calum with Lili-May and Kia

“His stepfather, his sister Kia, half brother’s Sean and Danny and his half sister Lili-Maye and I miss him dearly and there isn’t a day that goes by that we don’t think about Calum.

“My son also adored his girlfriend Chloe who he spent a lot of his free time with and he had very close friends in another Chloe and Conner.

“This still doesn’t feel like it is really happening to us, but we do want to see justice for Calum who shouldn’t have been taken away from us. Calum you were the best son I could have hoped for, truly missed by all and we will always love you.”