June 15, 2017 9.26 am This story is over 84 months old

Grantham medical centre out of special measures after much-improved inspection

A Grantham medical centre has been rated as ‘good’ following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), after being rated as ‘inadequate’ just last year. St John’s Medical Centre on London Road was rated as ‘good’ following an inspection on March 2. The inspectors looked at safety, care, efficiency, response and leadership in each…

A Grantham medical centre has been rated as ‘good’ following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), after being rated as ‘inadequate’ just last year.

St John’s Medical Centre on London Road was rated as ‘good’ following an inspection on March 2.

The inspectors looked at safety, care, efficiency, response and leadership in each areas.

Individual results for each section of the inspection were:

  • Are services at this trust safe? – Good
  • Are services at this trust effective? – Good
  • Are services at this trust caring? – Good
  • Are services at this trust responsive? – Good
  • Are service at this trust well-led? – Good

Professor Steve Field, chief inspector of general practice at the CQC said in the report: “On July 14, 2016 we carried out an announced comprehensive inspection at St John’s Medical Centre.

“The practice was found to be inadequate in safe and well-led, requires improvement in effective and good in caring and responsive.

“This inspection was undertaken following the period of special measures and was an announced comprehensive inspection on March 2, 2017. Overall the practice is now rated as ‘good’.

“The practice had good facilities and was well equipped to treat patients and meet their needs.

“There was a clear leadership structure and staff felt supported by management.

The practice proactively sought feedback from staff and patients, which it acted on.”