June 14, 2017 10.38 am This story is over 90 months old

Inadequate for safety: North Hykeham GP practice remains in special measures

A North Hykeham GP practice has remained in special measures after a report by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) branded the surgery as ‘inadequate’. Inspectors from the CQC visited the Crossroads Medical Practice on Lincoln Road on March 9, rating the service overall as “inadequate”. Individual results for each section of the inspection where: Are…

A North Hykeham GP practice has remained in special measures after a report by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) branded the surgery as ‘inadequate’.

Inspectors from the CQC visited the Crossroads Medical Practice on Lincoln Road on March 9, rating the service overall as “inadequate”.

Individual results for each section of the inspection where:

  • Are services at this trust safe? – Inadequate
  • Are services at this trust effective? – Requires improvement
  • Are services at this trust caring? – Requires improvement
  • Are services at this trust responsive? – Requires improvement
  • Are service at this trust well-led? – Inadequate

The practice provides a range of medical services to around 7,066 patients in North Hykeham.

Inspectors said in the report: “Some risks to patients who used services were assessed and identified actions had now been implemented.

“However, the practice did not have an effective system in place to ensure employment checks were carried out for all staff including locums.

“The practice did not have enough appointments available on a daily basis. There were no pre-bookable appointments for GPs.”

However, inspectors did find that the staff had the skills, knowledge and experience to deliver effective care and treatment.

Wendy Martin, executive lead nurse at NHS Lincolnshire West Clinical Commissioning Group, said: “Naturally, we were disappointed with the result of the CQC’s inspection at the practice on March 9. But the staff have worked very hard to turn this around. As a result, the primary care service continues at the practice.

“Lincolnshire West CCG remains committed to ensuring patients can access a good quality, local, GP led primary care service.”

Closed to new registrations

Following this report, inspectors closed the practice to new registrations until sufficient changes were made.

Inspectors stated: “This service was placed in special measures in September 2015. Insfficient improvements have been made such that there remains a rating of inadequate for safe and well-led.

“Therefore we are taking action in line with our enforcement procedures to begin the process of preventing the provider from operating the service. This will lead to cancelling their registration. Conditions were imposed on March 13, 2017.”

However, according to the practice, a more recent check has been made and the practice has now reopened to new registrations.

Wendy Martin added: “We are pleased to say Crossroads Medical Practice, in North Hykeham, underwent a more recent inspection and the feedback from that has been far more positive.

“Subsequently, the practice’s list has been reopened again to new patient registrations – demonstrating the Care Quality Commission’s confidence in the improvements made. This more up-to-date report is yet to be published but will be in due course.”