November 27, 2017 12.02 pm This story is over 79 months old

Scunthorpe man fined after using garden as rubbish tip

He has been sentenced.

A Scunthorpe man has been fined for allowing rubbish to build up in his garden and dumping the waste on the street.

Duarte Goncalvas Pires, of West Street, was ordered to do over 100 hours of unpaid work and fined a total of £551 when he appeared at Grimsby Magistrates’ Court on November 3.

He was also given a community order for 12 months.

Pires pleaded guilty to five offences at Grimsby Magistrates’ Court

Environmental health officers from North Lincolnshire Council visited Pires’ home after receiving complaints from residents about smells coming from rotting food and household waste in his garden.

He was issued with an abatement notice ordering him to move the waste on February 3 this year, which he failed to comply with.

However, before the council removed it, Pires dumped some of the waste on a grass verge on Frances Street.

He instructed others to remove the remainder of the waste and this was then dumped in nearby alleyways and streets.

Pires pleaded guilty to five offences, including breaching his abatement notice, fly-tipping, and not making sure his rubbish was removed by a licensed carrier.

Councillor Richard Hannigan, cabinet member for safer, greener and cleaner places at North Lincolnshire Council, said: “The council provides a comprehensive waste and recycling service to all our residents to allow them to get rid of their waste in an easy and safe way.

“Mr Duarte Goncalvas Pires instead was piling up black bags and rotting waste in his gardens and we had to take action for the health and wellbeing of other residents.

“As well as dumping some of his rubbish on the street, Mr Duarte Goncalvas Pires let an unlicensed waste carrier take away his rubbish, and this was also dumped on the street.

“To keep our area clean and safe to live in, we all have a responsibility to ensure we get rid of our waste in the proper way – and the vast majority of our residents do.”