December 13, 2017 10.56 am This story is over 78 months old

Lincolnshire Police launch sexual consent awareness campaign

‘Sex without consent is rape.’

Lincolnshire Police has launched a campaign to raise awareness about consent when it comes to sex.

They are sending the message that ‘sex without consent is rape.’

The police have teamed up with Rape Crisis, Trust House, Victim Support, Spring Lodge and the University of Lincoln to promote the scheme.

As well as working with the County Council Sexual Violence and Abuse Partnership, and as part of the wider #NoMore campaign, the police are engaging on the importance of being 100% clear on sexual consent.

Lincolnshire Police are using a video called Tea and Consent to promote the misconceptions when it comes to consent in sex.

Launching the campaign in Lincoln city centre, Deputy Chief Constable Craig Naylor said: “What is, and is not consent may seem obvious to many of us but the awful truth is that rape is reported to us every week.

“We are committed to looking after survivors of sexual violence, investigating crimes to a high standard and educating those who could otherwise become perpetrators.”

Police and Crime Commissioner Marc Jones, added: “Consent really is a simple concept and yet misconceptions and myths sadly still exist in some minds. I fully support Lincolnshire Police in this campaign to educate those people who still don’t get it.

“You need to be clear on consent; there is no place for ambiguity, presumption or pressure.”