May 14, 2018 10.37 am This story is over 73 months old

Funding to pump-prime Lincoln industrial digitalisation

University to develop training with businesses.

The University of Lincoln secured £200,000 of funding to create a range of educational materials and courses to prepare graduates and the local workforce for the challenges of the digital industrial age.

The money from the Higher Education Funding Council (HEFCE) will focus on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) courses.

There’s a persistent shortage of skills for the digital economy, according to the 2017 Industrial Strategy Green paper, which is a major risk to business growth and innovation.

University of Lincoln academics and local businesses attended the launch event at the Isaac Newton building. Photo: Hannah McGowan

With the funding, the University of Lincoln will develop special training courses in partnership with local businesses as part of an outreach programme.

Employers will be co-producers of materials for the courses and there will also be funding available to get local staff to work with academics and students on relevant digital industrialisation problems.

For more information and to get involved, contact the project officer Lynn Margetts on [email protected].