June 6, 2018 11.06 am This story is over 72 months old

Lincoln arts company recreate famous Sia video

The company helps talented acts get exposure

A performing arts company based in Lincoln recreated the dance from Australian singer Sia’s track ‘Elastic Heart’.

Lincoln theatre school The Reach Performers Company helps talented acts get exposure and two from the county – Lydia Sansum and Mitchell Day – starred in its version of the famous video.

The Reach Performers Company describes itself as ‘Lincoln’s only performing arts school who professionally film performances’ with sessions suitable for all abilities aged four to 18.

Two performers at Reach Performers Company in action. Photo: Screenshot from Reach Performers Company video

The performing arts school runs sessions every Sunday in North Kesteven Sports Centre Dance Studios on Moor Lane in North Hykeham.

It runs from 10am-11.30am for ages four to six, and 11.30am-2.30pm for ages seven to 18.