June 15, 2018 3.21 pm This story is over 78 months old

Lincoln man trims his bush with lawnmower

Hedging his bets with unusual gardening technique

Well that’s a new one… trimming your bush with a lawnmower, and one man in Lincoln did exactly that!

Sheena Greenfield’s fiancé Barry Newman was captured on video trying the latest in cutting hedge technology, which she posted in the Facebook group ‘You’re probably from Lincoln if…”

He could have used other tools, but maybe Barry was trying to make cut backs as he attempted to tidy up his bush on Larchwood Crescent in Birchwood while wearing a pink shirt.

It prompted a question in the video “Are you okay?” as those watching wondered what he was doing.

Sheena posted the video on YouTube and on the You’re Probably from Lincoln if Facebook group because she thought it was hilarious. She wasn’t wrong.