August 13, 2018 6.10 pm This story is over 70 months old

Appealed plans for 195 Frampton Homes up for approval

Set for approval despite mounting opposition

Plans for 195 homes in Frampton which were originally refused, but overturned at appeal, are set to b approved by planning officers despite continuing strong opposition.

The plans, which include 193 houses and two flats, public open space, a play area, a pumping station and drainage infrastructure, will return to Boston Borough Council’s planning committee for approval of reserved matters.

The plans, by Larkfleet Homes, were originally refused as a 215 house plan in January 2017 and subsequently as the 195 home plan – first in line with officer recommendation and then against it.

Layout plans for the 195 homes planned for Frampton.

However, an appeal in September saw the homes granted outline permission by the planning inspector along with several Section 106 agreements including 20 per cent affordable housing, £128,993 for Boston Grammar School, £86,580 for Kirton Medical Centre.

The site will be accessed from two different roads.

Recommending approval officers say the proposal is supported on policy grounds.

“The development would help deliver the Borough Council’s local housing needs in a sustainable manner,” they say, adding that it would ‘form a natural extension’ to Frampton, result in ‘much-needed affordable housing’ being provided, create an ‘imaginative high-quality landscaping scheme’ and create an area of public space with ‘equipped children’s area’.

The plans have received a total of 19 letters of objection, with concerns raised including the loss of agricultural fields, issues with construction activity, loss of privacy, inadequate surface water run off and excessive traffic being generated.

Frampton Parish Council which raised concerns about the original plans says it does not feel its previous objections have been addressed.

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