August 2, 2018 9.18 am This story is over 70 months old

Man jailed for 25 years after ‘brutal attack’

He admitted attempting to murder his neighbour and ex partner

A 34-year-old man has been jailed for 25 years after a brutal attack on his neighbour and ex partner.

He admitted to breaking into a neighbour’s home and repeatedly stabbing her when she intervened as he brutally attacked his former partner in front of her terrified child.

Louis Morgan, of Manvers Street in Hull, admitted attempting to murder Gwen Kaplan and wounding Rhiannon Mills with intent to cause Grievous Bodily Harm at her home in Sunningdale Drive, Immingham on February 12.

Sheffield Crown Court heard Morgan had left Ms Mills with life changing injuries after accusing her of being unfaithful.

Morgan repeatedly punched and kicked her in the head, face and body in the driveway of the house as he held Ms Mill’s four-year-old daughter under his arm.

He then turned his attention to Mrs Kaplan after she told him she had called an ambulance and called him an ‘animal’.

Morgan hurled kicks and a plant pot at her home, before using a kettle to break a window and climb in, retrieving two knives from the kitchen and cornering the 66-year-old in a bathroom.

He then repeatedly stabbed her in the face, neck and arms.

Detective Inspector at Humberside Police Jo Taylor said: “This was a sustained and brutal attack, which left both his victims with significant injuries. Our thoughts remain with them and their families, who will have to live with the consequences of Morgan’s actions for the rest of their lives.

“Hopefully, the sentence will help them to start to put the events of that night behind them. I would also like to thank everyone who got in touch with us about the incident.

“Not only did both women get the medical attention they needed, we were able to arrest Morgan at the scene and quickly pieced together what had happened.

“I would encourage anyone who knows of a person who is suffering domestic abuse – whether physical or mental – to get in touch. We will listen and there will be serious consequences for anyone who treats a partner or family member this way.”