September 12, 2018 11.21 am This story is over 75 months old

North Lincolnshire hospitals trust remains in special measures

The hospitals trust failed to leave special measures

The trust which runs hospitals in Grimsby and Scunthorpe will remain in special measures following a report from health inspectors.

The Care Quality Commission carried out an inspection at both sites and gave Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Trust a rating of ‘requires improvement’.

It means NLaG will remain in special measures despite the CQC finding improvements during their visit in May.

Dr Peter Reading, Chief Executive of NLaG, said the trust was ‘on track and doing the right things in the right way’.

“Everyone, whether they are patients, staff or our partners, can see from this report the progress we have made to make improvements to our services,” he said.

“Our staff have been magnificent. Since the last inspection they have had to deal with a Trust in double special measures and cope with a couple of really hard and busy winters.

“Their commitment, determination and compassion humbles me on a daily basis and I cannot thank them enough.”

He said the trust would continue to work towards a ‘good’ rating and had identified changes for the weeks and months ahead.

The CQC report highlight concerns over staffing levels, waiting lists and training.

Inspectors felt the need to write two letters to the trust regarding insufficient management, oversight and governance to the rest of outpatients and also issued a number of notices to meet set requirements.

The trust fell back into special measures following an inspection back in April 2017.

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