September 10, 2018 12.13 pm This story is over 69 months old

‘Your ambulance blocked my drive, but have a coffee on me’

The crew were given money for a coffee

A Lincolnshire ambulance crew were left a surprise note with money to buy a coffee just weeks after a message of an much angrier tone made headlines.

Several notes have been left to ambulance crews across the country by people complaining their driveways had been blocked by life-saving paramedics.

Catherine Whitehouse was attending a patient in Pinchbeck, near Spalding, on Sunday September 9 when her team were greeted by another letter.

The crew were attending a trauma call and when the Bourne crew left to take the patient to the ambulance they spotted the note, which had a £5 note attached to it.

To their relief and pleasant surprise, the note said: “You blocked my drive’but it doesn’t matter because I wasn’t going out anyway. Enjoy your day – buy a coffee.”

EMAS said unfortunately the crew never managed to get their coffee, due to it being too busy, but they are looking forward to getting one on their night shift on Monday night.

Last month the East Midlands Ambulance Service (EMAS) responded to an emergency in Leicester when someone left a note asking the staff “to have some consideration”.

The note read: “You blocked my driveway. I waited 45 minutes for you to move. Please have some consideration where you park the ambulance! This is not the first time.”

At least some people appreciate the hard work of the ambulance service!