October 19, 2018 4.53 pm This story is over 70 months old

Dare to ride Lincoln’s ghost canal

It’s a creepy crawl along the Brayford

A boat tour company has set up a creepy crawl along the Brayford, just in time for Halloween.

Oliver Boat Trips has dressed up the vessel in cobwebs, spiders, skulls and plenty more for their spooky spectacular.

The terrifying tour takes passengers along the Brayford and through the haunted Glory Hole for £3 per person.

It’s a 40 minute trip on the water, but you’ll be glad to hear that the boat is the only thing floating on the tour.

Christine Ellerby, owner of Oliver Boat Trips, told The Lincolnite: “People look twice at me and then they kind of recognise me. Then you explain [what we’re doing] and it all twigs in.

“But the phone has definitely been ringing this week. Lincoln just needs that little bit of input from a sole trader who’s trying really hard to get people on the boat and enjoy the water.

“It’s just a little twist to make sure that people enjoy the trip over Halloween.”

Watch the full video, but be warned that it might leave you wanting a little moor from the boat trip.