October 16, 2018 8.30 am This story is over 68 months old

Lincoln teen to play American football for country

Jake was told that he was “bad at sports” before being selected

A 17-year-old from Lincoln will play American football for the country after a successful trial over the summer.

Jake Blackburn was told that he was “bad at sports” before being chosen to represent the country with the GB youth team.

He joined the Lincolnshire Bombers after being invited by his friend to watch a game.

It’s been a whirlwind for the Lincoln youth after joining the team just two seasons ago.

“When I was told I was absolutely thrilled,” said Jake after learning of the news.

Jake will join two other Lincolnshire Bomber team mates Jamie Edgar, 14, and Sam Gair, 13 for the national call up.

Sam Gair playing in position before the ball is snapped up.

He continued: “I had a friend who was playing at the Bombers and said I should down and watch a game.

“It looked super fun so I joined mid season soon after. I got scouted at the national playoffs and was recommended to go to the trials where I was selected.

“It’s a rare privilege to represent your country at anything so I was just so happy I could.

“I’ve always been told I was bad at sports just because I wasn’t good at soccer, so it’s nice to have the last laugh.”

Lincolnshire Bombers are holding open days for new players aged 13-years-old to 18-years-old and above for the senior team.