October 15, 2018 11.39 am This story is over 75 months old

New plans for affordable flats off Nettleham Road

New proposals submitted to the council

A developer has submitted revised plans for an affordable homes apartment block off Nettleham Road to fit in with other nearby building applications.

Taylor Lindsey says it submitted revisions for a 20-flat build next to  the Romagate Development on the edge of the A46.

Developers will lower parts of the buildings to better suit the surrounding area after an adjacent housing development, originally designed to be three-storey was instead approved by West Lindsey District Council as two-storey.

“For this reason, this application deals with the change of heights to parts of the apartment block which have been lowered to better suit the surrounding development and not impact on neighbouring dwellings,” say proposals submitted to West Lindsey.

It later adds: “The designs are also improved from the last submitted scheme in that it is not one mass three-storey block and is now two and three stories, thus blending in with the existing development while still having a central part creating a more interesting mass.”

A site layout of the planned apartments.

The site, adjacent to the Roman Gate development, off Nettleham Road, in Lincoln, will comprise entirely of affordable housing.

It straddles the boundaries of both West Lindsey District Council and the City of Lincoln council.

All of the flats are planned to have on-site parking, and will overlook an open space on the development.

A report submitted to WLDC says the road layout and design remains the same as the previous application and adds that all the ground floor flats will make provision for disabled access.

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