October 24, 2018 2.14 pm This story is over 68 months old

Phone scam defrauds Lincoln woman of £2.5k

This is one of several telephone scams across Lincolnshire

A woman living in Lincoln was scammed out of £2,500 after a call from a person claiming to work for her banking group, Barclays bank.

The caller told the woman on October 19 that they had to open a new bank account for her and that she needed to transfer £2,500 into the account, which she did.

The woman was then told to attend an appointment at her local Barclays bank a couple of days later, but when she turned up she was told by staff they knew nothing about it.

This is one of several telephone scams that have been reported across Lincolnshire to police this month and they area reminding people to stay vigilant.

In a number of other cases the caller claims to be from either HMRC or the police, threatening an arrest, a lawsuit or telling the victims that they are under investigation, to get them to pay money.

Lincolnshire Police said: “Please be aware that not all calls are the same and criminals can continue to change tactics.

“We are also asking for members of the public to tell their elderly family members and friends about of this fraud, and to raise as much awareness as possible.

“We are also reminding people of our Operation Signature campaign. This campaign has been launched to identify and support vulnerable victims of fraud in Lincolnshire.

“Fraud is a hidden and under-reported crime with victims often in denial or unaware of the criminality behind it. Increasingly fraud is becoming more complex and sophisticated, much of which is targeted at vulnerable and elderly people.”

Operation Signature is a standardised reporting and recording process, to identify and support vulnerable victims of fraud.

To report any incidents of fraud call Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 or click here or alternatively contact police on 101 or via email at [email protected].