October 4, 2018 1.22 pm This story is over 68 months old

Watch as police raid reveals secret haul of illegal cigarettes

“We will catch you and you will lose your licence”

Police officers discovered a secret stash of illegal cigarettes hidden in the wall of a Boston shop as well as a large quantity of banned alcohol.

The alcohol licence has now been removed from Biedronka, 77a High Street, Boston by Boston District Council.

On Wednesday, October 3 2018 a hearing was held in front of Boston District Council Licensing Sub-Committee. The committee agreed with the police that the premises had been actively involved in the illegal sale of illicit cigarettes and alcohol.

The store was targeted by Lincolnshire Police and two test purchase operations were carried out, with plainclothes volunteers purchasing illegal cigarettes on both occasions.

Photo: Lincolnshire Police

The store was then raided and officers seized non-duty paid vodka and over 600 cans of non-duty beer on sale in the store.

During the search of the stockroom area officers discovered thousands of cigarettes hidden behind a tiled wall. The cigarettes seized were a mixture of non-duty, counterfeit and illicit cigarettes.

The counterfeit and illicit cigarettes fail health and safety regulations, do not self-extinguish and have in the past been found to contain rat droppings, sawdust or human excrement mixed in with the tobacco.

Sergeant Kim Enderby, Alcohol Licensing Manager for the County said: “What we discovered was a sophisticated electronic “Hide” designed to conceal their stash of illegal and dangerous cigarettes.

“We believe that the “Hide” was put in place at the same time this premises was converted into a shop. We believe that the main purpose for establishing this business was to facilitate the sale of illegal alcohol and cigarettes.

Photo: Lincolnshire Police

“This decision sends a clear message to criminals involved in this activity on licensed premises, and that message is – “we will catch and you will lose your premises licence.”

“Stores that have had their licences revoked but continue with illegal sales can also expect to be targeted by Lincolnshire Police and partner agencies. I would ask members of the public to help stop this illegal trading by reporting anything suspicious and just as importantly, I advise anyone thinking about using such a facility to stop buying these illicit products, and putting cash into the pockets of criminals.

“We remain committed to the disruption, investigation and prosecution of all criminal activity being conducted on our Licensed Premises.”

There is a 21 day appeal process; if no appeal is submitted then the revocation comes into action.