October 11, 2018 1.15 pm This story is over 68 months old

“We want beds back”, say campaigners after Louth Hospital motion

Campaigners are holding health bosses to their promises

Campaigners fighting to protect services at Louth Hospital have welcomed a motion calling on health bosses to maintain the quality of services, but say it needs to go further.

Councillors on East Lindsey District Council last night backed an amended motion put forward by authority leader Councillor Craig Leyland which wanted ‘Lincolnshire East CCG to maintain the quality and level of services at Louth Hospital’.

His motion called on members to recognise a recent Care Quality Commission ‘outstanding’ rating and urged LECCG to maintain that as well as engage in ‘full and proper consultation’ before making any decision.

East Lindsey District Council’s full council meeting.

Fighting for Louth Hospital Campaigner Julie Speed said she supported the motion, but ‘it could be better worded’.

“We do not want to maintain the number of beds,” she said.

“We want it back to its full capacity as promised.”

Lincolnshire East CCG is looking into the future of Manby and Carlton wards at the site.

More than half of beds were cut on both wards from 50 to 16 after fire inspectors found problems with the fabric in the building.

Louth Hospital. Photo: Daniel Jaines

At the time Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust, which runs care at the hospital, said the move was a “precautionary measure”.

Manby ward offers care for patients with cardiac issues, while Carlton is for rehabilitation of patients transferred from larger hospitals.

Now, commissioners have tabled two options for the hospital including having either 16 beds on Carlton and is chairs on Manby or 20 beds and six chairs.

However, concerns have been raised that a permanent reduction in beds would be a step towards downgrading the hospital – and several meetings have since been held.

Councillors last night also voted through an amended motion which originally had called for a Vote of No Confidence in United Lincolnshire Hospital’s Trust, instead saying they wanted to have confidence in the organisation if ULHT restored services.

The Fighting for Louth Hospital group will tonight (October 11) be holding a candle-lit vigil outside the hospital entrance at 8pm.

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