November 13, 2018 2.35 pm This story is over 67 months old

Proposed new Wyberton homes refused


Councillors have refused plans for 30 houses in Wyberton which had earlier in the year been given “positive feedback” by officers.

Applicant Mr W. B. Lake requested outline permission to build the new homes on land to the rear of Ralphs Lane, however councillors agreed with the recommendation to refuse.

Officers said the development “would have significant and demonstrable harm to its rural setting”.

Boston Borough Council planning committee.

However, speaking in support of the development both local builder Mr Clark and agent Guy Forman said when the plans were initially discussed they had received positive feedback.

Mr Clark, said the application promoted the site’s development value, and said it had “excellent access to it and is within easy reach of all public utilities.”

Developers argued the location was in a “sustainable development” and had “the character of an infill site”.

Mr Forman said: “This site is within Wyberton and is a sustainable location with access to local schools, shops and businesses and services.”

A report before councillors said: “The proposed development, by virtue of the location outside of the defined village boundary together with the addition of 30 dwellings when compared to the existing character of the area would result in an urbanising effect which would have significant and demonstrable harm to its rural setting”

Questioned by Councillor Brian Rush, officers explained that advice was given in March but policy changes had taken place since.

This legal advice gave a different view on the plans. Officers said all applicants were notified of the changes and said it was “regrettable” the recommendation had had to be changed.

The council’s legal advisor added however it was the applicant’s responsibility to make their own judgement on the advice given.

“It is not a guarantee” he said.

If councillors had approved the plans the development would have included 15% affordable homes.

It would also have seen £171,042 contributed towards education in the area – £67,658 for Wyberton Primary towards two new classrooms, £84,957 for Haven High Academy for four new classrooms and £18,427 for a new sports hall.