June 13, 2019 3.36 pm This story is over 60 months old

Drugs raid: Police swoop on Cleethorpes home

Cash, mobile phones and drugs were also found

A replica firearm, cash and mobile phones were seized after a raid on a house in Cleethorpes on Thursday.

A raid was carried out by Humberside Police on Manchester Street in Cleethorpes on Thursday, June 13 where what is believed to be a quantity of amphetamines were among the items recovered.

A 35-year-old local man has been arrested on suspicion of possession of Class A drug with intent to supply. A 24-year-old woman has also been taken into custody in connection with the raid.

Officers remain at the property and enquiries are continuing.

Community Beat Manager for Haverstoe, Humberston and New Waltham, PC Dave Cave, said: “We and our colleagues from the dogs unit carried out the warrant at the property earlier today and have recovered a number of items, including a replica firearm, cash and what we suspect to be Class A drugs.

“We know that drug-related crime can have a huge impact on our communities and that’s why we dealing with it is such a key area of our work.

“We want it to be known that this kind of offending won’t be tolerated in our area and we will do everything we can to find and prosecute those who are involved.

“Information from the public can be vital in helping us to put together successful operations such as this one and my appeal to you is to keep it coming.”

Anyone with concerns or information should speak to Humberside Police officers while they are out and about or contact 101. It can also be reported through the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.