August 23, 2019 10.45 am This story is over 58 months old

Police appeal after garden shears stabbing

Man suffered serious cuts to his leg

Police investigating a suspected garden shears stabbing have released CCTV of a man they would like to speak to.

Humberside Police released the image after a man was left with serious cuts to his leg in the Mulgrave Street area of Scunthorpe at around 6am on Thursday, August 22.

A short time after police also received reports of a man carrying a pair of garden shears and making threats to two other men a couple of streets down on Frodingham Road.

Colin Dring is leading the investigation and said: “At this stage, we’re working to establish whether the incidents were linked and would be grateful for anyone with information about either of them to come forward.

“We’re also keen to speak to this man in connection with the investigation. If you believe you can identify him or know where he is, then please let us know.

“As a result of our investigations so far, we believe these were targeted incidents, involving people who were known to each other, and there is no risk to the wider public.”

Police are searching for this man.

Humberside Police has officers in the area to provide reassurance and answer any concerns residents have.

Inspector Paul French added that the area was the focus of ongoing action to proactively target those involved in crime and antisocial behaviour.

He said: “We’re aware of the impact this kind of behaviour can have on the wider community and that’s why we’re committed to taking action against those who are involved.

“You will no doubt have seen and read about the numerous warrants we have conducted and closure orders we have served as part of our continued efforts to bring misery to those committing crime in our area.

“Earlier today we served a closure notice at an address in Mulgrave Street which had been associated with drug-related crime and antisocial behaviour and the matter will go before Grimsby Magistrates Court in the morning.

“This is the sixth such closure order we have secured and we will continue to listen to your concerns and tackle these issues head-on.”

Anyone who can help identify the man captured on CCTV is being urged to call 101, quoting incident 81 of August 22.