August 14, 2019 3.49 pm This story is over 58 months old

Renewed calls for park gate locks after broken glass found in play area

The councillor said workers were going beyond what they would have to if the gates were locked

There are renewed calls for Boston’s Central Park gates to be locked overnight after broken glass bottles were found in a children’s play area.

Councillor Neill John Hastie took a walk around the park at 6am on Wednesday and said he was “disgusted to see the state of it”.

He said in a social media post that broken glass bottles were found in the sandpit planned for beach days tomorrow (Thursday) and Friday.

Boston Borough Councillor Neill John Hastie. Photo: Neill Hastie

Councillor Hastie said: “This is yet another reason to lock the park gates overnight.”

However, he later clarified his initial post was inaccurate and it was the nearby play area where the glass was found by a council worker, not himself.

He did, however, praise the council workers who “were clearing up other peoples’ mess ready for people to enjoy the park”.

[They are] going far and beyond what they would be doing if the gates were locked to ensure that the park is safe for local children to enjoy.

“They should be commended on their hard work.”

Councillor Hastie has promised to again raise the issue at Boston Town Area Committee next Wednesday.

Boston Borough Council workers have cleared the glass this morning making it safe for children to play in.

A spokesman said the authority cleaned the play area every morning.

A previous beach party day in Boston. Photo: Boston Borough Council

They had been shown pictures of the litter “near the children’s play area” by a council worker but said there was “nothing untoward in the sandpit (beach)”.

Health and safety staff have also visited the area today to inspect the area and the sandpit.

In February, BTAC rejected closing the gates after a report found no evidence of increased crime or anti-social behaviour.

Boston Beach Days are set to take place between 10am-3pm both days and are planned to include activities such as donkey rides, face painting, toddler play areas and bouncy castles.

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