October 8, 2019 11.08 am This story is over 56 months old

Councillors asked to approve more than 130 new homes across Boston

Planning members will examine three housing developments next week

Councillors in Boston are set to approve more than 130 new homes in the town next week.

Members of the planning committee will examine three separate plans for the area and in each case will be recommended by officers to approve the applications.

The biggest development will be an 85-home plan for the east side of Toot Lane, in Boston, submitted by Leyland Homes and Gleeson Regeneration.

It follows a successful previous application for 79 homes which saw some of the developer’s land used to build a Children’s Centre next to Hawthorn Primary School.

However, although the centre was completed, the time limit on building the houses elapsed and the developer has submitted new, expanded plans.

Alongside the increase in house numbers, the developer will not provide any affordable houses on-site, instead offering a £455,000 contribution for an off-site development.

How the 85 homes on Toot Lane will be laid out.

Secondly, councillors will examine outline plans by Oxygen to demolish a former waste handing depot off Langrick Road in Boston and build 43 homes on the site.

The facility stopped operating more than a decade ago and buildings on the site have suffered extensive vandalism and fire damage.

The developer hopes that regenerating the land will make a positive contribution towards delivering “sustainable development” in the town.

The plans have been revised, down from an original 46 homes, with 10 houses on the site to be classed as “affordable”.

Six homes will be built on the site of the former West Skirbeck Bowls and Tennis Club.

More than £286,000 will also be donated to health and education services.

The third and smallest housing development councillors will be asked to approve is for six homes on land off Carmel Green, in Boston.

It will consist of four detached houses and one pair of semi-detached houses.

The site was formally the home of West Skirbeck Bowls and Tennis Club until late 2014, though tennis was last played there in 2008.

The pavilion/clubhouse was burned down in an alleged arson attack in 2014, and, despite a brief attempt to resurrect the bowling club the site is now described as vacant and overgrown.

The site already has outline approval for the housing and has been asked to provide up to £18,000 for enhancements to sports provision at Garfit’s Lane.

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