January 22, 2020 3.00 pm This story is over 53 months old

Lincoln Council reminded of veterans’ health as fireworks controls tightened

A motion to the authority followed animal welfare concerns

City of Lincoln Council councillors have been reminded of the effect of fireworks on vulnerable people such as former Armed Forces veterans as they pledged to crack down on fireworks displays.

Members of the full council on Tuesday voted in favour of a motion proposing that public displays in the city boundary should be advertised in advance in order for residents to take precaution.

The motion also asked for a public awareness campaign and called on the government to introduce legislation limiting the maximum noise level of fireworks to 90dB for private displays.

Finally, the motion called for local firework suppliers to be encouraged to stock “quieter fireworks” for public displays.

Councillor Naomi Tweddle launched the motion, she said: “”The thrill of fireworks is the way they light up the night sky, not the bangs that go with them.

“This motion won’t curtail the enjoyment of fireworks, it just means we can use them more responsibly.”

It follows concerns over the impact of displays on household pets, wildlife and livestock.

However, Councillor Andrew Kerry, while supporting the motion called on more attention to be paid to those who, for instance, suffer post traumatic stress disorder.

“”I make no apologies madam mayor, fireworks scare them,” he said.

“It brings back bad memories, PTSD, all the bad things they want to forget.

“It is not just the noise that brings it back, it is the smells, the gunpowder, the cordite.

“Yes the animals are important, but so are the ladies and gentlemen who have very often given their mental health for our safety and security.”

West Lindsey District Council also passed a motion on Monday night to require public firework displays to be advertised in advance and supported the “ban sky litter” campaign, which aims to prohibit the use of sky lanterns.

Councillor Anne Welburn, who proposed the measure, said displays could cause “fear and distress” for both animals and vulnerable people.

In the south of the county, South Kesteven District Council also supported a similar motion on sky lanterns on Tuesday afternoon.

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