January 15, 2020 4.31 pm This story is over 53 months old

Penis pothole protest ‘bugs’ council near Spilsby

A burst tyre was the last straw

An enraged driver has waged war against potholes in Halton Holegate and Spilsby with spray paint and a determination to ‘bug’ the council into action with pictures of penises and insects.

People in the town began to notice the work of a d*ck pic vigilante over the weekend.

Suffering a burst tyre in a 13 cm deep pothole on Friday, January 10 at Halton Holegate, as the cost of £53, 55-year-old Karan Chapman Holland decided it was time to get creative.

That’s one way to catch the council’s attention.

“I was at Little Steeping Areodrome, nearly at Halton Holegate when I hit it and burst by tyre”, she said. “So on Saturday I painted the potholes.

“Today I’ve painted the potholes on Old Market Avenue in Spilsby, opposite Sainsbury’s.

She’s been getting lots of praise on social media for her creations.

“When I was doing the bug a man stopped me and said he had reported it because he had to pay £125 for a burst tyre.

“The potholes have been there ages.”

She said she was inspired by penis graffiti she had seen in other areas of the country, many of which resulted in quick repairs.

“There is a man called Wanksy, so I’m calling myself Bugsy!”

She has said she doesn’t care if she gets into trouble. “I’m hoping they try, so I can make a stand against potholes!”

Karan’s eye-catching creations coincided with National Pothole Day on Wednesday, January 15.

In the last year, Lincolnshire councils paid out £186,000 for pothole damage compensation. 

People can report potholes and make claims on the Lincolnshire County Council website.