April 9, 2020 11.05 am This story is over 50 months old

Chinese province donates 10k masks to Lincolnshire

They’ll arrive in the coming weeks

A provincial government in China has donated 10,000 surgical masks to Lincolnshire to support frontline staff in the county during the coronavirus crisis.

Lincolnshire strengthened its economic ties with China’s Hunan province in October 2018 when the areas formally became sister regions.

The Hunan provincial government has now donated 10,000 surgical masks, which will arrive in the county in the coming weeks.

Lincolnshire County Council worked with the British Consulate in Guangzhou who have provided paperwork to ship the medical products quickly through customs.

The council added that Hunan has not had any confirmed cases of coronavirus for over a month and their restrictions are slowly being lifted.

Councillor Colin Davie and Kemin Wang at the signing of an agreement at The Deanery, Lincoln, in 2018.

Councillor Colin Davie, executive councillor for economy and place at the county council, said: “We have established a great trade relationship with Hunan in China, and this generous gift from their province is testament to our work to establish mutually beneficial sister agreements.

“Hunan has not had any confirmed cases of coronavirus for over a month now and their restrictions are slowly being lifted. It is the neighbouring province to Hubei province where Wuhan is located, and earlier in the year when the outbreak began in China, I sent a letter to the Hunan Governor with our best wishes from Lincolnshire.”

Councillor Patricia Bradwell, executive councillor for adult care and health at the county council, added: “These face masks will be a welcome addition to the stocks local authorities and the NHS already have in Lincolnshire to protect our health and social care workers.

“They will be particularly useful as we don’t yet know how long the restrictions and extra protective measures will be needed.

“It is important to remember that there is still a risk of significantly more cases in Lincolnshire so residents here must continue to follow the guidance and not be complacent.”