October 22, 2020 4.36 pm This story is over 44 months old

South Kesteven council to reject 370 new homes

Another care home plan will be approved, however

South Kesteven District Council will be asked to refuse more than 370 homes and a care home on Wednesday.

Proposals before the authority’s planning committee include 110 affordable houses and an 80-bed care home off Beaufort Drive, in Bourne, and 260 homes off Millfield Road, in Market Deeping.

A plan for another 68-bedroom care home off Gorse Road in Grantham, however, will be approved.

Reports from the officers say the proposals do “not have substantial community support”.

They said Longhurst Group’s 110-home plan in Bourne would “not relate well to the existing built form and would appear as a poorly designed and incongruous encroachment into open countryside”.

The same, they said, would apply to the adjacent care home proposed by Alysia Caring if the development was refused.

However, they said the site would be in a sustainable location and “capable of being developed… to a high standard of design” if the houses were given the go ahead.

They added, no element of affordable housing was proposed within the planned retirement apartments.

Bourne’s town council and neighbourhood plan groups both objected to the plans over concerns about sustainability, need, highway safety and the proposals’ place in the local plan.

More than 400 objections had also been received from local residents.

How the 110 homes in Bourne would be laid out if approved.

Lincolnshire County Council’s 260-home plans, officers said, also had no community support, but would be in a sustainable level and to a high standard of design.

The county council is not planning to build the houses, but wants to sell the land once planning is approved.

“The proposal would not have unacceptable amenity, highway, flood risk or other environmental impacts,” said the reports.

Market Deeping Town Council had opposed the proposals, noting the Draft Deepings Neighbourhood Plan had designated the site as a local green space.

They, along with West Deeping Parish Council, had concerns over the impact of traffic on Millfield Road and the A1175. 182 local residents had also objected to the plans.

Outline plans for where 260 houses could go if Lincolnshire County Council was given permission.

The site of the 68-bedroom care home in Grantham, applied for by Tanglewood Care Services, already has permission for a care home in principle, however, the new application had a different layout to the previous plans.

No outright objections have been received for the plans though concerns were raised by one resident about the loss of trees on the site.

Officers said the proposals were in line with planning policies and the local plan.

They said there were no material considerations to indicate it should be refused.