December 22, 2020 5.18 pm This story is over 42 months old

‘Secret Elves’ deliver surprise mince pies to whole village

Random act of kindness cheers villagers

Heartwarming Christmas cheer has been felt by residents in the Lincolnshire village of Digby after surprise gift bags were delivered by the mysterious ‘Digby Elves’.

Digby resident Samantha O’Mahony was among the residents touched by the random act of kindness after she woke up on the morning of Sunday, December 20 to find a little gift bag on her doorstep.

The gift bags sent to all residents in the village contained a mince pie and an attached note saying it was from the ‘Digby Elves’, with many still unsure of the sender’s real identity.

Samantha O’Mahony said the festive gesture made her feel emotional.

She told The Lincolnite: “It appears that the elves visited every single house in Digby village. Wow! How kind.

“Some of the locals have said that after such a challenging year, to have this gesture has really made them emotional.

“The elves have really left a little sparkle at each of the Digby households and we feel extremely lucky to live in such a wonderful and caring community.”

Several residents posted their thanks to the festive gesture in a local Facebook group called Digby Village & Rowston Residents, which was set up by Wendy Drysdale four years ago.

Wendy posted a thank you to the Digby Elves on social media.

Wendy told The Lincolnite: “I was absolutely blown away on Saturday morning (December 19) to discover a little gift at my door.

“It was only when I went on our community Facebook group that I realised that every household in the village had received gift. At that point, I was totally in awe of whoever had done this.”

The random act of kindness spread happiness and Christmas cheer in Digby. | Photo: Carol Ann Brewer

Delivering Christmas cheer to every household in Digby. | Photo: Carol Ann Brewer

Proud Digby villager Carol Ann Brewer said: “We really do live in the best wee village in all the land. Thank you Digby Elves for this wonderful gesture, a delightful surprise.”

Joy Tansley said: “I wasn’t feeling all that festive on Friday because our holiday to Fuerteventura had to be cancelled as they closed the corridor.

“I got up on Saturday morning to a little bag from The Digby Elves hanging on our gate. I would just like to say how much we love living in such a warm community and appreciate all the hard work Santa’s Digby Elves put in to make sure every villager received a gift.”

A little gift bag from The Digby Elves hanging on a resident’s gate. | Photo: Jim Ronan

Jim Ronan said: “I woke up the other morning to find it hanging on our gate. Two homebaked mince pies. A fantastic gesture from the Digby Elves, no idea who they are though.”