January 25, 2021 9.57 am This story is over 41 months old

518 COVID-19 cases, 20 deaths in Greater Lincolnshire over the weekend

Almost a million vaccinated at weekend

There have been 518 new coronavirus cases and 20 COVID-related deaths in Greater Lincolnshire over the weekend.

The government’s COVID-19 dashboard recorded 414 new cases in Lincolnshire across Saturday and Sunday, 59 in North Lincolnshire and 45 in North East Lincolnshire.

By the end of Sunday, 18 deaths were registered in Lincolnshire and two in North Lincolnshire. These figures include deaths both in and out of hospitals, as well as residents in hospitals outside the county.

NHS England reported 11 new local hospital deaths at United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust, three at Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust and one at Lincolnshire Community Health Service hospitals, making a total of 15.

The weekend saw national cases increase to 3,647,463, while deaths rose to 97,939.

The UK has identified 77 cases of the coronavirus variant first detected in South Africa, the health secretary has said.

Cases are linked to travellers arriving in the UK, rather than community transmission, Matt Hancock added.

Sunday’s data revealed that 6,353,321 have had at least their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine – a rise of almost half a million on Saturday’s figure.

Almost a million people received a first dose at the weekend, suggesting there is no weekend lag when it comes to giving out vaccines.

More than 30 new vaccination centres are due to open in England this week as the drive continues to protect the population against COVID-19.

The 32 centres include the Black Country Living Museum in Dudley, a racecourse, a football stadium and a former Ikea store – however, none of these centres will be in Greater Lincolnshire.

Boris Johnson is facing increasing pressure from cabinet ministers and scientists to impose blanket border control measures against coronavirus.

Ministers are to meet on Tuesday to weigh up the merits of a border policy that could require all new arrivals to quarantine at their own expense in government-supervised hotels.

The government is making £23 million available to councils in England to help counter misinformation about the coronavirus vaccine and boost take-up of the jab.

Communities Secretary Robert Jenrick said it was being targeted at areas with plans to reach out to groups such as older people, disabled people, and people from ethnic minority backgrounds who are more likely to suffer long-term impacts and poor outcomes from the virus.

Lincolnshire’s COVID cases up to January 24.

Lincolnshire’s COVID deaths up to January 24.

Coronavirus data for Greater Lincolnshire on Sunday, January 24

Greater Lincolnshire includes Lincolnshire and the unitary authorities of North and North East (Northern) Lincolnshire.

46,163 cases (up 518)

  • 32,228 in Lincolnshire (up 414)
  • 7,126 in North Lincolnshire (up 59)
  • 6,809 in North East Lincolnshire (up 45)

1,780 deaths (up 20)

  • 1,273 from Lincolnshire (up 18)
  • 274 from North Lincolnshire (up two)
  • 233 from North East Lincolnshire (no change)

of which 1,062 hospital deaths (up 15)

  • 649 at United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust (up 11)
  • 33 at Lincolnshire Community Health Service hospitals (up 1)
  • 1 at Lincolnshire Partnership Foundation Trust (no change)
  • 379 in Northern Lincolnshire (NLAG) (up three)

3,647,463 cases, 97,939 deaths