April 1, 2021 4.33 pm This story is over 38 months old

Former Boston nightclub to become flats

Historic building to be converted

A former Boston nightclub will be turned into a block of flats following a successful application to the borough council.

Zeen Construction’s application to convert The Studio Nightclub in Craythorne Lane into 12 self-contained homes has been given the go ahead by authority officers.

The club was formerly After Dark, and was frequented by a number of modern celebs including Danny Dyer, but the building dates back to the 17th Century and originally stood as Gaol Granary and Sibsey Lane Warehouse.

The scheme had been amended since the application was originally submitted and the plan is to have the building in a horseshoe arrangement with a central courtyard.

The new apartments will range from one to three bedrooms.

Councillors officers said the development would achieve the aims of the South East Lincolnshire Local Plan and national policy.

“The scheme would provide residential units in a sustainable location with adequate outdoor space and levels of amenity for future occupiers.

“[It] would introduce a form of residential accommodation which would complement the current town centre offer.

The building in its former glory.

Comments on the application praised the development for turning “a rather shabby building into a stylish looking” one, but had concerns over parking and anti-social behaviour and the loss of historic plan.

There was also concern further residential development could “damage the town centre”.

However officers said: “The site is on the periphery and contrary to the view of the representations would not result in a loss of a retail unit or prejudice the dining experience of the town centre.”

“The building still contributed to the historical setting of Boston and will be recorded as such prior to the commencement of the works,” officers added.

In their design and access statement, the developer said the build would meet the town’s family housing need.

2012 Boston Throwback: Danny Dyer on his way to perform at After Dark. Be advised of strong language.